Our Fynamore Curriculum INTENT
• Make good progress, academically and socially, from their individual starting points
• Achieve their individual academic potential
• Every child learns to be a reader and wants to read with enjoyment
• To have a strong sense of belonging and feel aspirational
• Feel positive about themselves and excited about the future
• Be proud of their own uniqueness and try to be the best they can be
• Celebrate diversity and understand that everyone is different but equally valued
• Welcome challenge and be prepared to persevere
• Successfully work in a collaborative environment
• Learn emotional resilience and resourcefulness
• Learn from real world opportunities and a wide range of activities
• Be confident and try new challenges
• To understand that it is important to make mistakes because we learn from them
• Have time to follow their own fascinations and work through a process
• Be independent but know when to ask for help
• Be knowledgeable about our local community and the wider world
• To take pride contributing to our school and the wider community
• Be ready to proudly start the next stage of their education
• Be well-mannered and considerate to one another
In order to achieve this, it is essential that our CURRICULUM and its IMPLEMENTATION:
• Has clear purpose and provides real world opportunities for all children
• Is planned with the progression of skills and knowledge at the heart of it
• Is highly engaging and enjoyable
• Involves learning beyond the classroom and welcomes visits/visitors
• Is inclusive and ambitious for all our children
• Uses opportunities to engage our learners, e.g. writing for an audience
• Provides the teachers with the flexibility to change and adapt, e.g. include a mini topic in response to the children’s interests or an event such as the Olympics
• Plans for opportunities for children to participate and contribute within school and in the community
• Listens to the children’s ideas and feedback
• Is relevant and tailored for our children
• Teaches the children about the wider world and the celebration of diversity
• Gives the children opportunities to discover new interests and develop existing ones
• Focuses on the development of life skills so that they can flourish in an ever changing society, e.g. independence, resilience and creativity.
How do we measure impact?
All our lessons have clear learning intentions that are tailored to the children in each class. Clear expected outcomes are included on all planning so that all staff are aware of the end goal for each lesson.
AfL (Assessment for Learning) strategies are used in all lessons to ensure progress for all. These strategies provide a clear picture of a child’s level of understanding and, ensure that teachers can quickly assess when a child does not understand and needs greater support. This information is used to inform planning for subsequent lessons.
Progress is assessed regularly and end of term tests are carried out 3 times a year. At the end of each term, assessment data is gathered and progress is checked by subject leaders and the Senior Leadership Team. Children are expected to make good or better progress in all subjects and this individual progress is tracked on our subject progression maps. In cases where children are identified as making less than expected progress in English or Maths, interventions are put in place to address gaps in learning. These interventions include extra sessions for children in KS2 who have not passed the Year 1 phonics check.
Pupil progress meetings are held 3 times a year between the Senior Leadership Team and each Class Teacher to ensure all pupils are monitored and progress is achieved.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact us.