Fynamore Uniform Code
Fynamore school uniform colours are purple and grey. All pupils are expected to wear uniform unless, for example, they are going on a residential visit.
It is essential that all items brought to school, including P.E. kits, are clearly named.
We are phasing out our old logo

which will be replaced with our new school logo over the next year.

Children can wear uniform with either the old logo or new logo until September 2025 when children will be expected to wear uniform with the new logo.
Main School Uniform:
Our uniform is based around a colour scheme of purple and grey
Plain purple or white polo shirt
Plain white school blouse or shirt
Purple jumper or cardigan with or without school logo
Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or tunic/pinafore (school wear/smart). Jeans or jeggings are not acceptable alternatives to trousers
Grey, black or white socks or tights
Optional purple and white checked dress in summer
Black school shoes must be suitable for school. Children must be able to fasten their own shoes — Velcro is a wonderful invention! Trainers are not appropriate footwear other than for PE days. No shoes with flashing lights or hidden toys please!
Children may wear boots during winter, as long as they are smart, plain, black boots (no uggs, chains, coloured lacings, decorations or visible fur).
Children may wear flat black, white, brown, or navy closed toe and heel sandals in the summer.
Purple fleece with school logo (optional)
Purple cap with school logo (optional)
Purple reversible jacket with school logo (optional)
Purple book bag with school logo (optional)
PE Kit (indoor): This consists of a house coloured T-shirt, black shorts, grey, white or black socks with plain trainers or black plimsolls/daps (elasticated daps or Velcro trainers are advised for key stage 1). No designer or brightly coloured trainers please.
PE Kit (outdoor): The indoor PE kit may be worn outside with appropriate footwear. Children should bring additional warm clothing for cold weather during the autumn and spring terms. This may be black jogging bottoms or leggings, together with a purple logo hoodie (optional - available from Earth Uniform only), school jumper or cardigan or plain black hoodie or fleece. Children may be expected to use the field in cold and/or wet conditions. A change of footwear, socks and clothing is suggested.
PE Swimming (if applicable): One piece swimming costume, swimming shorts or trunks. Swimming hats may be required and long hair must be tied back. Goggles may be worn with parental consent. Usual PE rules apply with regards to jewellery and watches.
Jewellery: The wearing of jewellery by children is not permitted (except for a medical alert bracelet etc), although some parents may wish their children to keep small, flat, silver or gold coloured studs in pierced ears during the school day. For safety reasons these should be removed or covered with tape for PE lessons. If watches, fitbits etc are worn there must be no access to mobile phones and the camera facility must be disabled. For safety reasons watches, fitbits etc must be removed for PE. If your child brings a watch or any other item of jewellery to school, they do so at their own risk. The school cannot take responsibility for the loss of any valuables bought into school.
Hairstyles and hair accessories: While we are happy for children to express their individuality, we have high standards and some hairstyles may be inappropriate for school. We would like parents to ensure their child’s hair accessories are mainly functional and that excessively large or decorative fashion items (e.g. large bows, dyed hair, extensions) are kept for non-uniform days or holidays.
Children should only wear small, plain, inconspicuous hair bands/ties. JoJo bows (or any large or colourful bows/ties) are not permitted. If you are in any doubt about a particular hair band, please check with school first.
Children must not wear makeup to school, unless this is a part of a charity event or drama activity and with the teacher’s permission. Children must not wear nail polish to school. Parents must ensure that nail polish is removed after weekends and holidays before the child returns to school.
Cosmetics: Children must not wear makeup to school, unless this is a part of a charity event or drama activity and with the teacher’s permission. Children must not wear nail polish to school. Parents must ensure that nail polish is removed after weekends and holidays before the child returns to school.
Other: transfers (temporary tattoos) are NOT acceptable at any time in school.
Uniform Suppliers
Items which have the school logo embroidered on to them can be bought through Scholars in Chippenham or online from Earth Uniform who are a sustainable supplier of uniform which is produced with the planet in mind.
House coloured PE T-shirts are available to purchase from the school office via SCOPAY.
Second-hand uniform: FoFSHOP
There are regular second-hand uniform sales. Donations of unwanted, good quality uniform are always welcomed at the School Office. All monies raised go to Friends of Fynamore School Association. If you require second hand uniform at any other time, please talk to the School Office.
Lost Property
Please ensure ALL of your child’s belongings are clearly named so that if they are lost they can be returned to your child.