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School Meals

Claire's Kitchen


Claire's Kitchen is Fynamore School's catering service, providing daily cooked lunches for the children. School meals are prepared on the premises with an emphasis on healthy options.


There is an offer of either the main hot meal, jacket potato, cold option and vegetarian meal each day. The cold option includes a pudding from the day’s selection. The vegetarian meal is also available to all children who would prefer it to the main meal options.


​Menus and Order forms for this Term: 

Menu January to February 2025

Meal order form January to February 2025




KS2 Meals (Years 3-6) OPT-IN (if you do nothing, no meals will be booked)

Meals must be booked on a termly basis, in advance, by completing a meal order form.  Please note, if no order is received, it will be assumed that no meals are required and therefore the child/ren will need to bring in their own packed lunch. If you return a form, please mark your selection for EVERY day on the form (ticking 'no meal required' if you are supplying a packed lunch for your child that day).


Payments for KS2 school meals may be made via the SCOPAY online system. The current price is £2.35 per day. Payments may be made on a flexible basis: weekly, monthly, termly, or any amount that you wish. All payments for meals taken must be paid for in advance by the end of the week before they are taken. Please ensure that your payments are kept up-to-date.


YR/KS1 Meals (YR, Year 1 and Year 2) OPT-OUT (if you do nothing, the hot option will be booked for every day)

Since 2014, all YR/KS1 children receive free hot school meals (known as Universal Free School Meals). These free meals still need to be booked on a termly basis, in advance.


If your child regularly has hot meals: Claire will automatically book your child in for a main meal every day for the following term. If your child wants a main meal every day, you do not need to return the booking for each term.


If your child wants a main meal some days and not others, or wants a jacket potato, vegetarian option or cold option some days, please return the booking form by the deadline. If you return a form, please mark your selection for EVERY day on the form (ticking 'no meal required' if you are supplying a packed lunch for your child that day).


If your child currently has school meals but no longer wants any for the following term, please let us know ASAP, as otherwise they will automatically be booked in for a main meal.


If your child does NOT currently have hot meals but now wants to start having a hot meal every day, please let us know ASAP, and Claire will automatically book your child in for a main meal every day for the next term. If your child wants a main meal every day, you do not need to return the booking form, but you do need to let us know they want to start having meals.


If your child wants to start having a main meal some days and not others, or wants a jacket potato, vegetarian option or cold option some days, please return the booking form by the deadline. If you return a form, please mark your selection for EVERY day on the form (ticking 'no meal required' if you are supplying a packed lunch for your child that day).





School Canteen
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