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Click on the tiers in each level of the pyramid for more information

Pupil Intervention steps up or down based on needs assessment

SEND Provision


Click on the tiers in each level of the pyramid for more information

Social Pyramid.png

TIER 1 - Whole staff responsibility


Fynamore Core offer - social, emotional strategies tailored to each class

Examples: Worry box, attuned staff member, 5 Point scale, emotional regulation check in scales. Well Being Hub


TIER 2 - ELSA/Nurture Intervention/Thrive

Pupils needs identified using social, emotional tool access weekly intervention slots with set outcome.

(In house or structured program e.g. Gremlin)

Primary Mentoring

Tier 3 - Talking and Drawing Therapy

'On your Mind' (previously Barnardo's

Breakfast Club (invite only)

Tier 4 -

Nurture Provision Place

Rainbow Room - personalised nurture curriculum

Play Therapy


Pupil Intervention steps up or down based on needs assessment

Social Provision

SEND Information Report

Fynamore Primary School is an inclusive school that seeks to support and challenge all children to achieve their full potential (both academic and social/emotional) regardless of starting point or ability. We do this primarily through high quality differentiated teaching; although we recognise that, at different stages of their development, some children may benefit from additional academic or emotional/social support. Receiving additional support does not mean a child has Special Education Needs or will be placed on the SEN (SEND) register.


The SEND picture at Fynamore Primary School 2023-24:


  • 26% of children on roll are on the SEND register and are classified as pupils with SEND.

  • 20 pupils across the school have an Education, Health and Care Plan, with 9 others undergoing statutory assessment.

  • 84 pupils across the school currently have SEND Support and may have interventions running.

  • Some of our children have accessed Alternative Provision off-site to support their specific needs, and some has been delivered on site.

  • We have created some internal provision using the alternative provision model to support need.

  • Both Reception and KS1 classes have full time teaching assistant support. All other classes have teaching assistant support in the morning, which is some cases is named pupil support.

  • Interventions are run by teaching assistants across the afternoon using a taskforce approach.

  • We have 4 teaching assistants who work within our Rainbow Room provision, which allows children to develop their self-esteem, support learning needs in a small, friendly environment and access Thrive style activities.

  • We have 3 fully trained ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who work with children across the week and a PTUK accredited Play Therapist who works two afternoons a week to support specific pupils. These members of staff also support our pupils within the Rainbow Room at different times. (All are in school full time).

  • The SENDCO is a Thrive Childhood Licensed Practitioner.

  • Alongside our Pastoral nurture team, we have a Family Support Worker - Mrs Emma Groom -who works part time in school, offering support and guidance to families

  • The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), Mrs Stiles, is a fully trained teacher, has a Postgraduate Diploma in Inclusive Education and has over 17 years experience working as a school SENDCo. She works in the school 4 days a week. These days are dedicated to the coordination of care for all children with SEND and the overseeing of the Rainbow Room. Should you wish to contact the SENDCo, you can do so through the main school office or her email address:   

  • Our SENDCo is a Lead Inclusion Practitioner for Wiltshire, meaning she supports other SENCos across the Local Authority.

  • Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Kate Hurst and our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Natasha Burch and Mrs Emma Groom.

  • We currently have 1 member of support staff supporting our children with Speech and Language targets. Some of this is within class, and some is 1:1 working on specific targets. We also have a TA supporting the Reception children with their speech and language through the Sunshine Group.

  • We have sought outside support from Specialist Advisory teachers, Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support team as and when needed to offer the best support to our pupils. 


How does the school know if children need extra help?

  • Class teachers, supported by subject leaders and the Senior Leadership Team, make regular assessment of the progress of all pupils. Looking at their academic progress, percentage attendance and behaviour records. If there are concerns about any of these areas, or if any child needs extra support, this is identified early and acted upon. Most difficulties will be supported within the classroom as part of Quality first teaching using a variety of styles and resources. We also liaise with previous settings when children transfer. Some children will receive additional support from a trained teaching assistant, they will use evidence based interventions to support your child’s learning/social needs, alongside focused activities to support specific areas.

  • Teachers monitor the impact of these interventions on both academic progress and the child’s emotional wellbeing, interventions are assessed and reviewed regularly and further assessment/support will be put in place if necessary.


What should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?

  • In the first instance, talk to the class teacher as they will have the most detailed understanding of your child as a whole. He or she may then suggest that a meeting is arranged with the SENCo. 


Who has Special Educational Needs?

  • Under the 2014 Special Education Needs Code of Practice, Special Education Needs and Disabilities are placed together, and abbreviated to SEND.

  • Any child who has a learning need or a disability which is sustained (i.e. lasts, or is likely to last, more than a year) and substantial (defined as ‘not trivial’) may be classified as having a Special Educational Need and placed on the SEND register.

  • Wiltshire produce checklists for schools (Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEN Support or WGRSS) to identify children whose difficulties mean they should be placed on the SEND register. These are used alongside teachers’ professional judgement.


What special needs does the school cater for and how?


The types of difficulty identified in the Education Act are:


  • Communication and Interaction; this includes children who experience a difficulty in communicating with others; children who may not understand or use social rules of communication and children who have speech or language difficulties.

  • Cognition and Learning; this includes children who may learn at a slower pace to their peers even with appropriate differentiation and excellent classroom teaching.

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties; these difficulties manifest themselves in many ways including withdrawal or disruptive behaviour.

  • Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties; this includes disabilities which prevents or hinders a child from making use of the educational facilities generally provided.


How would school staff support my child?

  • Support will always be given primarily by the class teacher, however, Teaching Assistants, the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), who is also a qualified teacher, the Pupil Premium Learning Mentor, and possibly Outside Agencies may also be involved. This support may be part of whole class teaching, small group work or individual support.

  • As part of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, some children may be provided with a ‘My Support Plan’. Many of our SEN/D children will have an Individual Support Plan (ISP) which highlights specific SMART targets that the child is working towards.

  • Some children who need adjustments within the classroom will have a One-page profile.


What does ‘being on the SEND register’ mean for my child?

  • At Fynamore School, we aim to provide support for all who need it regardless of whether or not they fit the defined criteria of the SEND register. However, those on the SEND register are monitored more closely and may receive external support or assessment.  It also means that the need for extra support is clearly identified when your child moves on to secondary school and provision will be made to support them prior to their start date.

  • In Fynamore if your child is on the SEND register they will be placed in one of the following categories:


Where possible we try to meet every child’s needs within the classroom through ensuring that our planning, teaching and approaches meet the needs of the majority of the children in our school. Children in this category may at times need some extra support within the classroom, extra reading, differentiated resources, fewer spellings, writing frames, etc.

No extra recording will be done for this category, apart from the differentiation element on your planning

SEN Support

Through careful identification and assessment, and consultation between the class teacher, parents and SENCO, we and/or the parents may determine that a child is not making satisfactory progress.


  It may be that the child:-


·Makes little or no progress even when teaching approaches are targeted to their particular needs.

·Shows signs of difficulty in developing skills in literacy or mathematics.

·Shows persistent signs of emotional or behavioural difficulties which are not addressed through the routine behaviour and discipline approaches used in school.

·Has physical or sensory problems and despite specialist equipment still makes little or no progress.

·Has communication and/or interaction difficulties which lead to them making little or no progress.


We seek additional information from the parents, and in some cases, outside agencies, who may be involved with the child.  When we have all the available information we consider with the parents and the child the next strategy for action.  Where this review leads to the conclusion that the child needs help above and beyond which is normally available within the class or school we will help the child through a programme of interventions, designed to help the child on a short term basis, possibly one or two terms.


The interventions run on a termly basis (3 x a year), on an assess-plan-do-review cycle. Progress will be recorded on an Individual Support Plan to ensure targets are clear and understood by all. These will be shared with parents 3 times a year.

My Support Plan

This is similar to SEN Support, but in this case the child will have been identified as having longer term barriers to learning and the interventions which have been planned may need to be continuous or longer term. It may also involve us in contacting external support services provided by the Local Authority (LA) and other external agencies such as the Health Authority.  We will seek advice on fresh targets and strategies, or more specialist assessments that can help us with our planning. We ensure that parental consent is sought before any outside agencies are involved.


The Pupil may have a dedicated My Support Plan which will have input from parents as well as professionals. There will be three My Support Plan Reviews a year.

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP – called a ‘My Plan’ in Wiltshire.

Where, despite all of our best endeavours, the child still makes little or no progress in the areas targeted, we discuss with the parents and child the need for us to approach the LA to request a an assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). These children require additional support above and beyond Wiltshire Ordinary Available Provision (OPAL) offer. This may or may not result in the LA issuing An EHCP.  Where a child has an EHCP we carry out an annual review which parents, outside agencies, SENCO, class teacher and teaching assistant are invited to attend. Where appropriate the child is invited to attend the meeting. In any event their views are sought usually through an interview conducted by the SENCO with the support of their Teaching Assistant.

What is an Education Health and Care Plan?

  • In cases where the difficulties are more pronounced, your child may be provided with an Educational Health and Care Plan, which will set out legal provision requirements for your child (above and beyond what is provided for all others). This replaces what was previously known as a ‘Statement of Special Educational Need’, however, it is broader and will include all aspects of a child’s health and well-being which may include special educational needs. In order to be issued an EHCP, the child needs to have pronounced need over a sustained period of time and meet the thresholds/guidelines set out by the Local Authority. These children require additional support above and beyond Wiltshire Ordinary Available Provision (OPAL) offer (See Wiltshire Local Offer)


If my child has additional medical, physical or social needs, how will the school support them?


  • In consultation with parents and/or health professionals a care plan will be drawn up to ensure that your child’s needs are met and that staff are appropriately trained.


How will my child be included in activities, both inside and outside the classroom, including school trips?

  • It is our aim that all children are fully included in every aspect of school life.

  • We therefore do our best to make provision for all pupils to access all areas of the curriculum including extra-curricular activities. We will always contact you before a planned activity if we think your child may require additional support. 

  • A risk assessment will be carried out.


What training do staff supporting children with a Special Educational Need or Disability receive?

  • All teachers receive regular training to make sure that they plan and deliver high quality teaching which is differentiated for the needs of each child in their classroom. All staff within the school also receive training to meet the known and anticipated needs of the children present in the school. The SENCo also attends regular training including meetings with other local SENCos. All information and training is shared with our TAs through fortnightly meetings. TAs also meet on a regular basis with their class teacher.

  • The SENCO has completed training be a certified Thrive Childhood Practitioner and completed CPD to retain her annual license.

  • All Teaching Assistants are fully trained in the learning/social interventions they deliver.

  • We have 3 fully qualified ELSAs (Emotional Learning Support Assistant) who delivers support to pupils in groups and on a 1:1 basis.

  • We have a qualified play therapist certified through Play Therapy UK (PTUK)


How will I be included in supporting my child’s education?  How will my child’s views be taken into account?

  • As a parent, you are key in supporting your child’s development and well-being and we recognise the expert knowledge you have of your own child. We endeavour to provide support and information to parents so that we can work together as a team to help achieve the best possible outcome (in all aspects of development) for your child. We are therefore very keen to build strong relationships with the parents of the children in our school and to liaise with you to share useful strategies or techniques which are used at home as well as those which are being used in school.

  • Parent consultation evenings are held twice a year and we strongly encourage all parents to make appointments to see their child’s class teacher. Alongside this, parents meetings will be offered three times a year to go through your child’s Individual Education Plan and for you to have your input.

  • Fynamore also has an open door policy.  Parents are encouraged to make appointments to see teaching staff and discuss any worries or concerns they may have about their child. 

  • If your child is on the SEND register, you will also have access to regular contact with the SENCo, who is happy to see parents whenever parents feel there is a need or have a concern. The SENCo also holds SENCo coffee mornings, with a theme, which anyone is able to attend.

  • Provision is reviewed at least termly and your child will have informal input into this process. 


How will the school communicate with me and how can I communicate with the school?

  • The school communicates regularly with parents about daily school life through: ParentMail, seesaw, website, weekly newsletters, email, text and letters home.

  • If your child’s class teacher has a concern regarding your child’s well-being/progress they will try to make an appointment to meet you either at the end of the day when you pick your child up or a phone call home.

  • In some cases, daily and weekly contact between the parent and teacher can be arranged if there are any concerns about your child.

  • If you wish to discuss any part of your child’s progress or well-being, appointments with teaching staff, the SENCo, the Team Leader and Headteacher can be made via the school office.


What measures are put in place to prevent bullying?

  • At Fynamore we aim for each child to feel valued and every opportunity is taken to promote individuals’ self-esteem and confidence so that all children can approach each new challenge set before them. 

  • The emotional well-being of all children is central to the provision of education for all.  Bullying is not tolerated and all children at Fynamore are involved in the reviewing and writing the school Anti-Bullying Policy.

  • The following link is an excellent resource to help parents who think their SEND child may be being bullied:

A guide to dealing with bullying: for parents of disabled children


How will the school support my child to join initially?  How will the school support my child in transferring class or to secondary school?

  • During the second half of the school year, the SENCo meets with class teachers to discuss the children who will be moving classes or school, identifying those who may be more anxious and so may benefit from additional support.

  • For children who find transition and change difficult and are moving schools or transitioning to secondary school a transition book is completed alongside a TA who knows them well. These books tend to include photographs of key people and places and will prepare them for the next change in their lives.

  • When your child leaves Fynamore Primary School, whether to move to a different primary school or on to secondary school, there will be liaison and discussion between our SENCo and the SENCo of the child’s new school to put in place measures which will help make the transition as easy as possible.

  • All children meet their new class teacher at least once at the end of the year to give them ample time to find and discover their new classroom and their new class teacher. This is increased for those children who find transition difficult. The teachers also hold several meetings together to make sure all information about the children are passed on from year to year. Additional transition is arranged for the children that will benefit.

  • A highly developed transition programme is in place for when your child joins us in Foundation Stage. The key teachers involved in this are the Foundation Stage teachers and the SENCo.


How are the Governors involved and what are their responsibilities?

  • The SENCo reports to the Governors every term to inform them about the progress of children with SEND. This report does not refer to individual children and confidentiality is maintained at all times. There is a named linked SEN Governor  (Lisa Straker) who works closely with the SENCo.


What specialist services and expertise are available at, or accessed by, the school?

  • Support Services are accessed according to the need of the child at appropriate developmental stages. A typical process would include internal assessment by the school using The Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEN Support (WGRSS) document, discussion of the child’s need at a multi-agency forum and referral to appropriate services identified. Services which the School frequently make use of include:

    • The Specialist SEN Support Team (SSENS) which has specialists for a wide range of difficulties;

    • The Educational Psychologist;

    • The Behaviour Support Service;

    • Speech and Language Therapists;

    • The Hearing Impairment Service;

    • The Visual Impairment Service;

    • Parent Support Advisors;

    • The School Nurse;

    • Alternative Provision Providers.

    • Early Years Inclusion Team


Where can I find further information or get further support?

Information Report
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