The safety and welfare of our pupils is of paramount importance to us. We take rigorous steps to ensure that children stay safe and do not come to any harm. We work closely with parents and carers and a number of professional external agencies in order to secure this.
If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of any child, please contact the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs. Kate Hurst; or one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Mrs. Emma Groom (Family Support Advisor) or Mrs. Natasha Burch (Class teacher).
Our Governor responsible for Safeguarding is Mrs. Jacqui Radford.
Our Designated Safeguarding Team
We believe that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility, but we have a number of trained staff in school that manage this area.

Mrs Kate Hurst
Mrs Emma Groom
(DDSL and FSA)
Attendance Lead
Mrs Natasha Burch
Senior Mental Health Lead
Mrs Jacqui Radford
Nominated Governor for Safeguarding
To view our Safeguarding Policy please click here.
Prevent Strategy
What is Prevent?
Prevent is part of CONTEST, the Government’s strategy to address terrorism. The main aim of the Prevent strategy is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent focuses on all forms of terrorist threats, such as international terrorism and far right extremists.
The Government’s Prevent strategy can be found by clicking on the following link:
The Police, Local Authorities, and our partner organisations all work together to help strengthen and empower our communities to reject those who want to cause harm. All of our teaching and support staff have recent training in the Prevent Strategy.
If you would like further information, you can access the Fynamore Prevent Strategy Parent Pamphlet by clicking here.
Online Safety
The Internet is a wonderful thing and can offer us a wealth of knowledge and new experiences but there are also risks if it is not used appropriately. At Fynamore Primary School, we learn about the importance of Online Safety through both our computing and Personal Development Curriculum. Online Safety is taught through discussion, drama, stories, digital media and other activities. Children are taught what to do if they experience something they don’t like online and where to seek advice both at home and in school.
Every year, we take part in Safer Internet Day. This event is celebrated globally in February to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people and inspire a national conversation. The day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community.
Useful Online Safety links for parents and carers:
Think U Know -
Child Safety Online -
NSPCC Net Aware –
Please visit our Policies page for more information about our Online Safety Policies and procedures or contact our Online Safety Lead, Mrs Kate Hurst for further information.
Useful contact numbers:
If you are concerned about a child’s safety or welfare, please contact the Wiltshire MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 0300 456 0108 or 0300 456 0100 (out of hours)
If you believe a child is at significant risk of harm and in an emergency, please call 999
NSPCC child protection helpline: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111
Stop It Now! (for child sexual abuse): 0808 1000 900
Keeping Children Safe
Please visit the Policies page for the details of our Safeguarding procedures and related policies.