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The school values the partnership between parents, teachers and pupils. It seeks to encourage pupils' own learning within their own environmment by expecting children to undertake homework tasks.



We ask parents/careers to read with their child at least 5 nights a week to encourage good reading habits and help with their speaking, writing and listening skills. This doesn't have to be long - just 10 minutes sometimes is all that's needed. 


Children will also receive a Reading Diary, where you and your child can record how you feel about the reading activity each night. It is important to complete this, not only as a record of your child's reading, but it also sets a good example to your child/ren that parents/careers have responsibilities too! 


FS2: Reception Classes

As well as your child's reading, a list of phonic sounds and/or words will also be sent home every Friday to learn for the week. Children in Reception are also sent a weekly play based homework activity linked to one of the 7 areas of learning.


KS1: Years 1 and 2

Children will be expected to continue reading most nights. They will also receive weekly key words to practice at home. Once a term, children will receive a 2 week project-based homework, which will be focused on the topic they are currently learning.


KS2: Years 3 to 6

In addition to the reading, children will also receive homework every Friday, which will need to be handed in the following week.  Project homework will also be set once a term and should be completed over a period of 2 weeks.


For further information on the homework policy, including a homework timetable, please read the

Homework Policy.


Maths support at home

The support of parents in helping children to move forward in learning is consistently shown in research to make a significant difference to a child’s future success. 


We care about the future of your child and want to work together wherever possible. Whilst we don’t expect parents to come in and teach a full maths lesson for the class, by spending time working on basic skills such as number recognition (for younger children), number bonds (as children move into KS1 and beyond) and times tables (from year 2 onwards) your child can really grow mathematically. 


To further the mastery approach, please feel free to be creative in the many different ways these tasks can be approached to ensure that your child really does have ‘mastery’. 


How we teach calculations can be found in the Maths - Addition and Subtraction and Maths - Multiplication and  Division Policies.


There are many online maths games that can be used to support learning at home. A few of these examples can be selected by clicking on the hyperlinks below:


Below are some great maths apps for children:


Crazy Timestables

Doodle Maths

Mr Thorne's Maths Universe

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