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Friends of Fynamore School Association


FoFSA was started by an enthusiastic and dedicated team of parents, friends and staff when the school opened in 2001. The main aim of the group has always been to support the children and school by organising fun events and raising money to provide extra resources and equipment to benefit the children.


During 2012 for example, FoFSA donated £7,790 to the CASTLE project, which was raising funds to improve the outside areas around the school, purchased 6 new cycle pods for the playground and gave art materials to all classes for wet playtimes. FoFSA has also funded the Year 6 Breakfast Club for SATs week since 2012, and has bought presents from Santa, funded the Class Christmas presents every year and purchased a large number of books for the school library.


ln 2013-14 FoFSA funds paid for 32 iPads in school. In 2016 FoFSA paid for a large number of outdoor signs for the playgrounds. In 2018-19 FoFSA funded the following in school: drum hire, the Pantomime, Bikeability, Art Club, a science day and bedtime books.


Get Involved with FoFSA


The group continues to play a valuable and important role in the life of the school. We do hope you can support us: new members are always welcome! 


The group meet about 6 times a year in school at 7.30pm. The date of the next meeting will be advertised in the School Newsletter. The meetings last about 1 hour and 30 minutes and whilst we get through a lot of business, they are friendly informal affairs. If you would like to join the committee have a word with school office and we can get in contact with you.


Other ways you can get involved could be to help at certain events, send in donations or support the events we put on! All the money we make goes back into school and the children. The School Council often have a say in how we use the funds and the type of activities we put on.


FoFSA is a Registered Charity (number: 1094415) and is a member of the NCPTA.




The FoFSA Committee plans many interesting and varied activities during the year to appeal to both children and families. These include the School Discos, Popcorn Nights, Bingo Nights, the Christmas Shopping Evening, the 'Spooky Stories' events and the Christmas and Summer Fayres.


There are also several regular fundraising activities which help to generate income right through the year. These include the following:




Raise funds for the school while you shop online. Simple to register and use, at no extra cost to you. Easyfundraising also has a safe and reliable search engine which generates income for us every time you use it. Please click here for further details.




FoFSA hold regular FoFSHOPs where they sell a selection of good quality second-hand school uniform. Donations of unwanted or outgrown, good quality, purple logo'd uniform or purple gingham dresses are always welcome - as is other good quality uniform. Please bring any donations to the school office.


Tuck Shop


FoFSA also hold regular Tuck Shops at school. Dates of these are sent via parentmails and newsletters. 


If you have any new ideas which could generate regular income, please let us know.

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